Atlanta Hornets Softball

Atlanta C-3 Schools


Stacie McVey                                              Travis Mundahl                                                    Courtney Garnett

 Superintendent                                                                Principal                                                         Athletic Director



Dear Athletic Director:


            I want to welcome you to the Atlanta Softball Tournament scheduled for September 23rd, 2023. This year’s participants include Atlanta, Bevier, Brashear,        La Plata, Novinger, and Westran. The tournament fee will be $125.00 per team plus 2 softballs for each game you will play.

            I have enclosed a tournament bracket.  Games will have a 1 hour and 30 minute time limit so let’s hustle!  La Plata will be hosting 3 games so make sure you recognize the site you are playing!  If there is a tie at the end of seven innings or the time limit has expired we will use the International Tie Breaker System to determine the winner.  The seeding will be determined as follows:  1) Record, 2) Fewest Runs Allowed, 3) Most Runs Scored, and 4) draw.

            Here is the schedule for everyone’s pool games:

La Plata Field

La Plata v. Novinger                                                          8am                  @ La Plata

Brashear v. Novinger                                                          9:45am             @ La Plata

Brashear v. La Plata                                                     11:30am         @ La Plata


Atlanta Field

Atlanta v. Bevier                                                  8am                  @ Atlanta

Bevier  v. Westran                                                           9:45am             @ Atlanta

Atlanta v. Westran                                                             11:30am         @ Atlanta


Worst record from each pool             Consolation     1:30pm            @ Atlanta

2nd best record from each pool            3rd Place    3:15pm            @ Atlanta

Best record from each pool             1st Place    5:00pm            @Atlanta        


            Games may be shortened by the 10 or 15 run rule so be ready to play as soon as the game prior to your s is over. We will start games earlier than scheduled if possible. Of course we will give teams’ allowances for travel from La Plata to Atlanta.

            If you have any questions feel free to call me any time. Good luck this season.


Courtney Garnett            

Athletic Director

Atlanta C-3 Schools

Cell                  660-676-0396

School 660-239-4211






International Tie Breaker Outline


Starting with the eighth inning or at the end of the 1 hour and 30 minute time limit in a tie contest, the offensive team begins the inning with the last recorded out in the batting order placed on second base. 





Officials Schedule



La Plata Field

La Plata v. Novinger                                                          8am                  @ La Plata



Brashear v. Novinger                                                          9:45am             @ La Plata




Brashear v. La Plata                                                     11:30am         @ La Plata



Atlanta Field

Atlanta v. Bevier                                                  8am                  @ Atlanta (Huntsman/Brown)


Bevier v. Westran                                                           9:45am             @ Atlanta (Huntsman/Brown)


Atlanta v. Westran                                                             11:30am         @ Atlanta



Worst record from each pool             Consolation     1:30 pm       @ Atlanta (Sawyer/Tolle)


2nd best record from each poo            l            3rd Place    3:15pm            @ Atlanta (Sawyer/Tolle)   


Best record from each pool             1st Place    5:00pm            @Atlanta (Sawyer//Tolle)