ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0110

Legal Status

District Name and Identification Codes

The School District is organized under the authority of the State Legislature and exercises powers delegated directly and indirectly by the Missouri State Legislature.


The official, corporate name of the School District shall be Adair Co R-II School District



                                                              Adair Co R-II                       

District Name


                                                            205 West Dewey                          

District Address


                                                         Brashear, MO 63533                         











Identification Codes



County/District Code



Federal Identification Number







ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0200*

School District Philosophy

In carrying out its responsibilities, the Board of Education is guided by the desire to use the resources of its community, its staff and its students to provide the highest quality education permitted by its financial resources.  In reaching decisions the Board will attempt in every case to act in the best interests of its students.


A philosophy of education is the foundation on which a school district is built, and upon which the product of the school program is evaluated.  The philosophy herein subscribed to by the Board of Education shall be a guide in determining the policies, rules and regulations of the school district.


Recognizing each student as a unique individual, we believe that education should provide an opportunity for the maximum development of each individual within the limitations of his or her capacities.  Through education, it is possible for the individual to discover and endeavor to achieve to the limits of his or her capacities.


We believe that in a democratic society, education must help the student realize their worth as individuals and should lead them toward becoming productive members of society.  Strong emphasis must be placed upon democratic values that are important for an effective and satisfying life.


We believe that the role of the teacher in the educational process is to provide opportunities for the individual to achieve at the maximum level of capacity, to create a learning situation in which individual motivation for learning is the stimulus for achievement, and to promote through teaching and example the principles of the democratic way of life.


We believe that parents/guardians have definite responsibilities in education.  They need to have a basic confidence in the school, and they need to impart this confidence of the students.  The parents/guardians may do this by cooperating to the fullest with the schools, by encouraging the student to give his or her best efforts to the daily school responsibilities, and by participating in school activities.


We believe that the student must have responsibilities in the educational program of the community.  The most important of these is attitude.  The student is obliged to come with an open mind, equipped with all the necessary materials, ready to fulfill the responsibilities in the learning process.  The basic attitude should be that the school is an institution of opportunity, staffed with trained personnel to help the student become a contributing member of society.


We believe that the foundation of the district’s educational program is based on the development of competencies in the basic fundamentals of reading, oral and written communication and mathematics.  Students will gather, analyze and apply information and ideas; communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom; recognize and solve problems; and will acquire skills necessary to make decisions and act as responsible members of society.


It is, therefore, the responsibility of the Adair Co R-II School District to provide an educational environment for children of the district, which will foster and accelerate their intellectual, physical, artistic, social and career development.

Aug 04







ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0200a

School District Goals & Objectives

The Board of Education is charged on behalf of the public with the responsibility of determining the goals of the Adair County R-II School District.  In discharging that responsibility the Board has addressed four primary areas:  education, professional personnel, school environment and district operations.


It is the commitment of the Board to develop policies to implement the goals within each area.  Furthermore, it is the commitment of the Board to review annually and restate as necessary the goals within each area so that the programs will at all times speak directly to the stated goals.


To structure the overall instructional program to promote sufficient alternatives to meet the variety of individual needs, capacities and aspirations through both individualized class offerings and offerings that extend the learning environment into the community.


To promote a plan for the organized improvement of school curriculum including the articulation of instruction between elementary and secondary schools.


To provide offerings which explore wide range of career and service opportunities.


To provide an integration of the intellectual, physical, social and career developmental experiences for each student.


To maintain a comprehensive and articulated program for handicapped students involving maximum inclusion of handicapped students in regular school programs.


To help students gain an understanding of themselves as well as skills and techniques involved in living and working with others.


To promote a relevant and challenging secondary school curriculum which will adequately prepare the student for his vocational goals or postsecondary education.


To promote participation and recognition of achievement in all endeavors (academic, athletic, fine arts, performing arts, practical arts, etc.).


To provide opportunities to assist students in forming attitudes and acquiring habits needed for responsible citizenship.

Professional Personnel

To improve district-wide performance in the teaching of reading, writing and mathematical skills.


To establish minimum acceptable competency-based performance standards for all professional personnel.


To provide in-service training and professional growth experiences for the professional staff.


To continue disciplinary procedures that promote a positive school environment.


To maintain and review an accountability system for the improvement of the instructional program.

School Environment

To assure each individual a physically and emotionally safe teaching and learning environment.


To assure that each individual is treated fairly, respectfully and without bias by all members of the school community.


To assure accessibility of all facilities and educational programs for all students and staff members.


To have each individual in the school community know and fulfill his responsibility with regard to safety and respect to others.

District Operations

To make every effort to secure adequate funding for the district’s educational program.


To operate within a balanced budget during the school year.


To maintain an up-to-date inventory of the supplies and equipment in the district.


To maintain adequate transportation, food service, clerical,  and custodial,, and maintenance services for the efficient operation of the district’s schools.


To continually strive for more efficient use of all professional and support staff.


To maintain and review long-range plans for the efficient use of school facilities.


To assure immediate communication between the superintendent or his designee and the Board on critical occurrences within the district.

In establishing these goals for the district, the Board does not attempt to diminish the importance of other issues facing the district in the years ahead.

Jan 98


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                         Policy 0310

School Board Organization

School Board Purpose and Roles

The School Board of Education performs three basic functions in the management of the School District:


The School Board shall exercise full legislative rule and management authority for the District by adopting policy and directing all procedures necessary for the governance of District educational and administrative responsibilities.


The School Board shall delegate to the Superintendent the responsibility of implementing all Board policy.


The School Board shall determine the effectiveness of policy implementation through evaluation of school operations, practices and program outcomes.  The achievement level of students shall be the guiding standard through which all success shall be measured.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0311

School Board Organization

Statement of Practices


Members shall attend all regularly scheduled Board of Education meetings insofar as possible. Any member failing to attend the meeting of the Board for three (3) consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by a majority of the Board for reasons satisfactory to the Board, shall be deemed to have vacated the seat; and the secretary of the Board shall certify that fact to the Board. The vacancy shall be filled as other vacancies occurring in the Board. Attendance for purposes of  this provision shall be defined as actual, physical attendance at the Board meeting until all of the business of the Board has been completed unless a member is excused by a majority of the Board.


Members shall come to Board of Education meetings informed concerning the issues to be considered.



Members shall avoid abstaining except when required by statute or Board policy. The members of the Board have been elected to make difficult decisions on behalf of the students, parents, patrons and employees of the district. The concept of trusteeship requires each member to review the issues under the Board's consideration and to take a stand regarding those issues. A member who has conformed to the above‑described tenets of knowledge, open discussion, independent judgment, and independent and civility should be prepared to cast a vote on each of the issues before that member.


Members shall work with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the Superintendent. Members shall not attempt to by‑pass, undermine, or usurp the Superintendent's authority and responsibility for the daily operation of the schools.

Conflict of Interest

Members shall avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest, and shall not use the Board position for personal or partisan gain. Members shall conduct themselves in accordance with the conflict of interest policy and disclosure requirements prescribed by statute and Board policy.                                                       


Members shall not disclose confidential information. Information is confidential if it is (a) communicated during executive session; or (b) otherwise communicated with a mutual understanding of confidentiality.

Acceptance of Gifts

Members shall not solicit or accept gifts, payments, or anything greater than a nominal value item or holiday gifts of nominal value from any person, organization, group, or entity doing business or desiring to do business with the School District.

Contact with Vendors

Members, if contacted by a vendor requesting information about the District's bidding procedures, whether of a general nature or with regard to specific goods or services to be bid, shall provide the vendor with the name and business telephone number of the administrator responsible for purchasing such goods or services. The member shall request that the vendor contact the relevant administrator and direct all questions and concerns to that administrator.

Board Communications to Staff

All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the Superintendent, and the Superintendent will employ such media as are appropriate to keep the staff fully informed of the Board's concerns and actions.

Visits to Schools

Individual Board members who, in their parental capacity, wish to visit the school(s) or classroom(s) of their child(ren) will follow the regular procedures for visitors. Board members who wish to visit other schools or classrooms as an informal expression of interest in school affairs will inform the Superintendent who will arrange such visit(s) through appropriate principal(s). Official visits by Board members will be conducted only with the full knowledge of the Superintendent and principal(s) involved.

Educational Welfare

Members shall remember always that the first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the School District.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS     Policy 0320 (Regulation 0320)

School Board Organization                                                                             (Form 0320)

School Board Elections


The qualified voters of the School District shall annually on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of April, elect two directors for terms of three years, except, effective for Board elections beginning in April of 1993, and each three years thereafter, when three directors shall be elected in compliance with regulations specified in state law.


An election shall not be held if the number of candidates who have filed for the Board is equal to the number of positions available.  However, regardless of the number of Board vacancies and Board candidates, if a ballot proposition (i.e., tax levy, bond issue) is on the ballot, an election of Board members must be held.  If no election would be held due to the number of candidates equaling the number of vacancies, the District will publish a notice containing the names of the candidates who will assume a Board directorship absent an election.  This notice will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the District on or by March 1 prior to the scheduled election.


a.Qualified Voters in the School District

An individual must be a registered voter in order to vote in a school election. In order to vote, a person must be eighteen (18) years of age or older, must be a citizen of the United States, and must reside in the School District thirty (30) days.


b.Candidate Qualification - Method of Filing

Qualified applicants for the Board may file for office beginning at 8:00 a.m. in the Superintendent's office commencing on the seventeenth (17th) Tuesday prior to the election and ending at 5:00 p.m. on the fourteenth (14th) Tuesday before the election. The candidate shall declare his/her intent to become a candidate, in person and in writing to the secretary of the Board of Education. The names of qualified candidates shall be placed on the ballot in the order of filing. The notice of election and certification of candidates must be submitted to the county clerk by the tenth Tuesday prior to the election. Candidates must comply with all of the prevailing laws concerning eligibility and campaign financing.


A candidate who files for one vacancy and later decides to run for another shall be positioned on the ballot according to the time when his/her change of declaration is received by the secretary of the Board, not on the basis of when the first petition was filed.


Candidates must be citizens of the United States and resident taxpayers of the District, reside in the District for one year next preceding their election or appointment, and be at least twenty-four (24) years of age. Candidates will be disqualified from participation in a Board election if, the candidate is delinquent in the payment of any state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes, real property taxes on the residence of the candidate.  Candidates must also complete a notarized copy of Form 0320 - Candidate’s Place of Residence attesting that the candidate is not currently aware of any delinquency in the filing or payment of state income taxes, personal property taxes, municipal taxes or real property taxes on the candidate’s place of residence. The candidate must further attest that they are not a past or present corporate officer of the office that owes any taxes to the state, which are not in dispute.  Said affidavit (MCE Form 0320) must include a copy of the affidavit with the declaration of candidacy (MCE Form 0320.1).  Failure to accurately complete and file Form 5120 with the Department of Revenue may disqualify a candidate from the ballot.  Each newly elected or appointed director shall qualify and take his/her oath of office in the manner prescribed by law and according to Policy 0330 - Oath of Office.


No person may be a candidate for a position on the Board if such person is registered as a sex offender or is required to be registered as a sex offender under state law.  Any Board member who is likewise required to register, or who is registered as a sex offender under state law will immediately be requested by the Board to resign from the Board.  Should such Board member refuse to resign, the member will be ineligible to serve as a Board member at the end of his/her term.


In addition, no person shall qualify as a candidate for the Board of Education, who has been found guilty of, or has pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor under federal law, or to a felony under Missouri law, or has been found guilty of an offense in another state, which would be considered to be a felony in the State of Missouri.


It is not the District’s responsibility to investigate and determine a candidate’s eligibility.  That responsibility rests with the Department of Revenue and/or the County Election Authority.


Expenditure of District Funds

No contribution or expenditure of District funds will be made directly by any officer, employee, or agent of the District to advocate, support, or oppose the passage or defeat of any ballot measure, or the nomination or election of any candidate for public office, or to direct any public funds to, or pay any debts, or obligations of any committee supporting or opposing such ballot measure or candidates.  This policy shall not be construed to prohibit any district official from making public appearances or from issuing press releases concerning such ballot issue.


Creation of Voting Sub-Districts

If the Board wishes to consider division of the District, the Board must first vote on the question of dividing the District.  If the question receives four affirmative votes, the Board will develop a proposed plan for voting sub-districts. The plan will comply with the provisions of RSMo. §162.563.  In addition, if 10% of the registered voters in the last school board election will submit a petition to subdivide the District into voting sub-districts, election of officials will be notified and an election held.


August 2022, Copyright © 2022 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS       Policy 0321  (Regulation 0321)

School Board Organization

School Board Officers

Within fourteen (14) days after the annual Board election in April, the Board will meet to administer the oath of office to new Board members and to elect a president and vice-president.  Thereafter, on or before the 15th day of July of each year, the Board shall elect a secretary and a treasurer, who shall enter upon their respective duties on the 15th day of July.  The secretary and treasurer may or may not be members of the Board (RSMo. Section 162.301(2)).

Oct 03


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0323

School Board Organization


Any School Board member who wishes to resign from office shall inform the School Board secretary in writing. The School Board secretary shall certify to the Board that the office is vacant. The Board will then appoint a replacement to serve until the next School Board election, at which time the position shall be filled by election to complete the unexpired term.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                         Policy 0324     

School Board Organization

Filling Board Vacancies

Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Board of Education, the remaining members of the Board will, by majority vote, select an individual to fill the vacant position until the next annual school election. Persons who are delinquent in the payment of state income tax, personal property tax, municipal tax, or real property tax on the person’s place of residence are not eligible to be appointed to a Board vacancy. A candidate to fill a Board vacancy must provide the District with a signed and notarized affidavit stating that all state income taxes and property taxes, both person and real, have been paid or attest to the fact that no taxes were owed for the two fiscal years immediately prior to their appointment.


In filling the vacancy, the Board will inform the community and solicit applications.  In addition, the Board may affirmatively solicit qualified community members to apply for the vacant position.  The Board, or a committee designated by the Board will screen the applicants and will select no more than three applicants for Board interview.  Candidate interviews and the vote taken to fill the vacancy will occur in an open session meeting of the Board.


If there are more than two vacancies and if the District is located in a county without a county commission, the county executive will fill the vacancies with the advice and consent of the county council. 


August 2021, Copyright © 2021 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0330

School Board Organization

Oath of Office

Within fourteen (14) days after their election, the newly elected members of the Board shall take the oath of office proscribed by Article VII, Section II, of the Constitution of Missouri, RSMo. Section 162.301(1).


                                                              OATH OF OFFICE



I,                                                                                                          , do solemnly swear that I am

                                    Board Member

at least twenty-four (24) years of age, that I am a citizen of the United States and a resident taxpayer


of the                                                                                       ,  in                                                      

                                    School District                                                              County

in the State of Missouri, and that I will support the Constitutions of the United States and of the


State of Missouri, and that I will abide by and uphold the                                                  

                                                                                                    School District

Board Member Code of Ethics, and will faithfully demean myself in office.

Oct 03


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0340

School Board Organization

Code of Ethics

The purpose of the Board of Education is:

1.         To govern and control the affairs of the District as provided by law.

2.         To discover and interpret the educational needs, attitudes and interests throughout the District as a guide to developing and setting priorities for an educational program.

3.         To exercise judgment in reviewing, considering and voting on district wide policies

            affecting the operation of the schools.

4.         To oversee the management and fiscal control of the schools as provided by law and to

            review, evaluate and judge the effectiveness of the educational program.

The roles of members of the Board of Education are:

1.         To recognize that it is the responsibility of the Board to see that the schools are properly

            administered, not to administer them.

2.         To hold the Superintendent responsible for the implementation of Board policies and the

            administration of the District.

3.         To give the Superintendent authority commensurate with his/her responsibility.

4.         To vote on Board matters only after considering the recommendation of the Superintendent

            and any interested citizens.

5.         To maintain a working rapport with other members of the Board and the Superintendent.

6.         To respect and encourage the right of others to hold and express opinions.

7.         To support the Board once a legal decision has been made by a majority vote.

8.         To avoid inappropriate or disparaging remarks, in or out of Board meetings, about other

            Board members or their opinions.

9.         To realize that the responsibilities are district-wide.

10.       To recognize that authority rests with the School Board in legal session and no individual

            Board member has legal authority to request action from the staff

11.       To avoid any comments which may be interpreted as undermining the administration of the


12.       To assure that special committees, when appointed, have a well defined objective and that

            there is understanding that the committee serves in an advisory capacity.

In addition, members of the Board of Education will:

1.         Work through the Superintendent and his/her staff.

2.         Support the Superintendent's efforts to appoint the most qualified persons as employees

            of the District.

3.         Reinforce the efforts of the Superintendent and the staff so that they may perform their

            assigned responsibilities in the most effective manner.

4.         Provide the Superintendent counsel as requested or required.

5.         Make every effort to keep all citizens informed about the quality and condition of

            public school education in the District.

6.         Initiate and implement all efforts to secure adequate financial support for the District.

7.         Assure that all transactions of the District are ethical, open and aboveboard.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS     Policy 0342 (Regulation 0342)

School Board Organization                                                                             (Form 0342)

Nepotism, Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure

The Board may employ a person related within the fourth degree to a Board member, provided the related Board member does not debate or vote upon the employment issue.  However, the Board may not under any circumstances employ one of its own members.


In order to consider employment of a Board member’s spouse, the position must have been advertised as required in Policy 4120 – Employment Procedures. In addition, the Superintendent must consider and submit a written affirmative recommendation to the Board. The names of all applicants for that position, as well as the name of the applicant hired, are to be included in the Board minutes.


Members of the Board of Education will conduct themselves in a manner that complies not only with the letter of conflict of interest laws, but also in the spirit of those provisions.   Board members will at all times make good faith efforts to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. If a situation arises which involves the potential for a conflict of interest, the individual Board member will declare his interest and will refrain from debating or voting upon the question of engaging or using the business entity in question.

Oct 03

ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0350

School Board Organization

School Board Compensation

No member of the Board shall accept a salary from, or be employed by the Board, or profit financially in any manner by reason of any dealings with the Board.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0351

School Board Organization

School Board Travel

Travel and accompanying expenses may be authorized by a majority of the Board of Education for any of its members to attend conferences, meetings, seminars, conventions, etc., at the state, regional and national levels. Travel expenses may include transportation, lodging, meals and registration fees.


Each Board member who has been approved for travel shall file with the Business and Finance Office an itemized account of anticipated expenses and may request and receive an advance for these expenses. Upon completion of travel, an actual expense account report, with appropriate receipts, shall be filed with the Business and Finance Office within the next two weeks.


Travel requests will not normally be approved in the three months prior to the completion of a Board member's term.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                             Policy 0360

School Board Organization

Board Committees

The Board may appoint committees to assist it in carrying out the Board’s responsibilities.  However, the Board may not delegate those functions which, by law, must be exercised by the Board of Education.

Committee Guidelines

1.                   Committees created by the Board of Education will be assigned specific tasks to be performed and will be assigned a specific time frame within which to accomplish assigned tasks.

2.                   Upon completion of these tasks or upon expiration of the time allotted, the committee will be dissolved unless extended by the Board.

3.         Reports of Board committees may be made in written form or be presented          verbally at a Board meeting at the discretion of the Board.

Committee Meetings

Meetings of committees appointed by the Board or at the Board’s direction including advisory committees appointed for the specific purpose of recommending policy, policy revisions, expenditures of public funds to the Board or to the Superintendent will comply with the notice and open meeting provision applicable to Board of Education meetings.  The District’s custodian of records will maintain a

current list of such advisory committees.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                                  Policy 0370

School Board Organization

Board Training

Board members initially elected or appointed after August 28, 1993, shall successfully complete orientation and training requirements within one year of the date of election or appointment.  The orientation and training will consist of at least eighteen hours and thirty minutes.  The District will pay the costs of the training.


This mandatory training will include two hours and thirty minutes of current reliable information concerning identifying signs of sexual abuse in children and the danger signals of potentially abusive relationships between children and adults.  In addition, this segment of the training will emphasize methods to establish an atmosphere of trust in order that students feel comfortable discussing abuse with school staff.  District administrators will conduct investigations following abuse hotline calls, and advise the Board of the facts and recommendations.


Any Board member serving a term as of August 28, 2019 or elected or appointed after August 28, 2019, will complete at least one hour of refresher training each year of their term of office.  However, the refresher training is not required in the year the member completes the initial orientation and training.


The annual refresher training will address concepts covered in the initial training, including the prevention of sexual abuse of children.

August 2019


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                           Policy 0410*



The regular meeting of the Board shall be held on the third Wednesday in each month, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., except when a majority of the Board agrees in advance and public notice is given.  Public meetings may be conducted in person or by conference call, video chats, Internet conferences, e-mails and Internet message board.


Special meetings may be held at the time set by the Board or on the call of the Board president or a majority of the Board.  (Not less than twenty-four (24) hours written notice, stating the time and place of the meeting and the business to be considered will be given to each member.)  Simultaneously with the giving of notice of such meeting to the members of the Board, a written notice of the meeting and the matters to be considered will be posted in the same manner as postings for regular Board meetings.

Quorum and Majority Vote

The presence of a majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. However, the letting of contracts, employment of personnel, approval of bills for payment, and the ordering of warrants require an affirmative vote of a majority of the full Board.

Voting Method

The president shall have a vote on all questions.  When a member abstains from voting, such abstention shall not be counted as a vote either for or against the proposal, but shall be entered in the minutes as an abstention.


Any closed vote shall be taken by roll call.  A roll call vote may also be taken on any motion in an open public meeting, provided that a majority has voted to do so.  When an open public vote is not to be taken by roll call, any member may request that the Board be polled on any issue requiring a vote.  The number of “yea” and “nay” votes on any question shall be recorded in the minutes.  Any member, if he or she so desires, shall have the privilege of having his or her vote and reasons therefore recorded on any question.  Any member may also request that his or her vote be changed if such request is made prior to consideration of the next order of business.


Members of the Board may vote and otherwise participate in meetings by means of contemporaneous telephonic or other electronic participation.  If a Board member so participates, the member is entitled to have the actual physical presence of the member excused in circumstances where the Board member would normally and reasonably have such absence excused.  A member so participating shall be counted present for purposes of convening a quorum.  The Board secretary shall ensure that the minutes reflect any electronic participation.


Any Board member wishing to participate in this manner should advise the Board president and superintendent as early as possible to facilitate arrangements and avoid delays of the Board’s business.  If the Board initiates contact after an item of business has been opened, the remotely located member shall not participate until the next item of business is opened.


The superintendent shall ensure that adequate facilities and equipment for telephonic or other electronic participation are furnished for Board meetings, when necessary, and shall take measures to ensure the authentic identity of any remotely-located participants.  The telephonic or other means of electronic participation shall be made audible and/or visible, as appropriate, to all those entitled to be present at any meeting where a member participates in this manner.

Closed Meetings

The Board may vote to conduct closed executive sessions as provided for in Policy 0430 – Executive Sessions. In order to enter into executive session, such motion must be approved by a roll call majority vote. The motion to enter executive session must reference the specific statutory matters to be discussed. 


Any Board member may object to the closing of a meeting, record or vote if the member believes the motion to close violates the Sunshine Law; such member(s) must object at or before the motion to close is voted upon and must vote against closing.  The member(s) shall be allowed to fully participate in any subsequent meeting or vote.  The objecting member(s) shall be immune from any liability for improper closure of a meeting.

Recording of Board Meetings

The open sessions of Board meetings may be audio or video taped.  The Board has adopted guidelines set forth in Regulation 0410 to minimize the potential disruptive effect of such recordings.

Firearms and Weapons

Possession of firearms and weapons are prohibited from all school premises and school activities. This prohibition specifically applies to meetings and activities of the Board of Education and applies to all attendees, including members of the Board. The firearm prohibition includes permitted weapons. (See also Policy 1432 – Prohibition Against Firearms and Weapons.)

Aug 04


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS             Policy 0411   (Regulation 0411)

Meetings                                                                                                          (Form 0411)

Meeting Agenda

A tentative agenda for each regular, special or proposed closed meeting of the Board shall be prepared by the Superintendent, in consultation with the Board president, and shall be included in any public notice of such meetings. Any member of the Board may request items to be placed on the agenda. The tentative agenda, related materials and minutes of the previous meeting shall be mailed to each member of the Board at least four days prior to the stated meeting unless a special emergency meeting is called at a time which makes the four day prior notice impossible.


The agenda for each meeting of the Board shall be adopted or modified by a motion by a majority of those Board members present. Once the agenda is approved, it shall require a vote of majority of the Board members present to make additional modifications.


The agenda for closed sessions shall be on a separate document; however, the motion to close a meeting must be voted on during a public meeting and must also include the reasons for closing the meeting with references to the specific topics under the provision of Section 610.021, RSMo. as valid grounds for a closed meeting session.


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                         Policy 0412


Meetings – Participation by Public


Citizen Complaints

A designated period of time may be provided for public comments at all regular Board meetings.  The Board is very interested in citizen viewpoints and problems; however, citizens are encouraged to work through problems at the building and/or administrative levels before coming to the Board. Remarks may be limited to three minutes and to one appearance, thus allowing a maximum number of participants in the allotted time period in which citizens are to speak to issues. Questions directed to the Board may not always be answered immediately. All questions will be responded to by an appropriate person as soon as possible. Persons who wish to suggest items for the agenda should contact the Superintendent.


Agenda Items

Beginning July 1, 2023, and after citizen comment, residents of the District may submit an agenda item which is related to governance or operation of the District.  Prior to submission of an agenda item, the submitting resident must meet with the Superintendent/designee in an effort to resolve the concern related to the agenda item.  The Superintendent/designee will hold the resolution meeting within twenty (20) business days of the request.  Following the resolution meeting or if a resolution meeting is not timely scheduled the agenda request will be submitted to the Board Secretary by the requesting resident.  The agenda item will be included in the Board agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting if item received at least five (5) school days prior to the meeting. If not timely received, the item will be placed on the agenda of the following regularly scheduled meeting.  However, the agenda may be moved to a later meeting with the resident’s agreement.


Placement of a resident’s requesting agenda item is subject to the following rules:


  1. Presentation of the agenda item is limited to five (5) minutes unless expanded by the Board. 
  2. No more than three (3) persons may speak on the agenda item but only if each of the speakers has spoken with the Superintendent/designee as provided in this policy. 
  3. The Board may decline to hear a resident’s requested agenda item if the Board reasonably believes that the Board has heard an identical or substantially the same agenda item within the preceding three (3) months.
  4. If the resident requesting addition of the agenda item has previously violated rules regarding conduct at a Board meeting or on District property, as reasonably determined by the Board that the requesting resident be denied placement of their agenda item. 
  5. If more than three (3) resident-initiated agenda items are scheduled for the same Board meeting, later resident submissions may be scheduled for the following meeting. 

However, if a resident-initiated agenda item is delayed under this paragraph the resident will be advised of this option to submit their presentation to the Board in writing.


August 2022, Copyright © 2022 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS            Policy 0420   (Form 0420)



Open Session Minutes

Minutes of the Board of Education meetings shall be available to District residents for inspection at the Superintendent of Schools office, at reasonable hours.  The minutes will include the date, time, place, members present, members absent, and a record of any votes taken.

Closed Session Minutes

A separate minute book used solely for the purpose of executive sessions shall be used to record the minutes.  Under such circumstances, the Board members and others in attendance are honor-bound not to disclose the details or discussions or minutes of the executive session.  Any vote taken during a closed session will be taken and recorded by a roll call vote.

ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                                         Policy 0430


Executive Sessions

The Board reserves the right, as provided by law, to close meetings, records and votes as they relate to the matters below. All discussion and action by the Board in executive session must be related to the reasons set forth in the motion to enter executive session.  The minutes of the executive session shall be recorded and maintained in a separate, confidential minute book.  (See Policy 0420 – Minutes.)

Legal Matters

Litigation including privileged communications between the Board, its representatives, and its attorneys.  Upon completion of the litigation or upon the execution of a settlement agreement, the vote, minutes, and settlement agreement will be made public unless subject to a court order closing the record.

Real Estate Matters

The lease, purchase or sale of real estate where public knowledge of the details of the proposed acquisition might adversely affect the District's interests. Any vote or public record approving such a contract shall become available to the public upon execution of the contract.

Personnel Matters

Actions related to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of a District employee when the performance or individual merits of this employee is considered. Any vote on a final decision to hire, fire, promote or discipline will be available to the public within seventy-two (72) hours of the close of the meeting, except that good faith efforts will be made to notify the affected employee prior to the information becoming publicly available.  Disclosure of Board action on such personnel matters will include notice of how each Board member voted on the proposition.

Student Matters

Scholastic probation, expulsion, discipline, or graduation of identifiable persons, including records of individual test or examination scores subject to the provisions of the Board's student records policy and regulations.

Employee Negotiations

Preparations for negotiations with employees and employee representatives, including any work

product of the Board.

Software Codes

Test Matters

Testing and examination materials before the test or examination is given and until use of the test is discontinued.

Bidding Matters

Competitive bidding specifications, until officially approved or published for bids.  Sealed bids, until the earlier of the time all are opened or all are accepted or rejected.

Personnel Records

Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records related to employees or applicants for employment.  However, the public will have access to the names, positions, salaries, and length of service of employees of the District.

Communications with District Auditor

Confidential and privileged communication between the Board and its auditor, including all auditor's work product. However, final audit reports issued by the auditor will be open.

ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS      Policy 0440   (Form 0440)


Notification of Board Meetings

Notice of meetings of the Board of Education including committees of the Board as provided in Policy 0360 will be given in a manner to reasonably inform the public of the matters to be considered by the Board.


Notice of the time, date, and place of the meeting as well as the tentative agenda will be provided at least twenty-four hours, exclusive of holidays and weekends, prior to the meeting unless for good cause it is impossible or impractical to provide such notice.  In such instances, the nature of the impossibility or impracticality will be stated in the minutes.  In order to maximize public participation, notice of Board meetings will be posted in each District school and at the District’s administrative offices.  Upon request, members of the media will be provided with notice of the meeting at the same time notice is provided to members of the Board.  Meetings will be scheduled at a location reasonably accessible to the public in a room of sufficient size to accommodate the anticipated attendance by the public.


Where meetings are conducted by telephone or other electronic means, written notice of such meetings will include the specific mode by which the meetings will be conducted and the location where the public may attend such electronic meetings. If a meeting is conducted through the Internet or other computer link, notice of such meeting will be posted on an existing District web site.

Jan. 2003


ORGANIZATION, PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS                             Policy 0510

Policy Development and Review

Policy Development, Adoption and Review

The development and adoption of policies to govern operation of the School District are the responsibility of the Board of Education.  In developing policy, the Board may solicit input from the community, staff and other professionals. 


At any meeting of the Board, policies governing the schools may be enacted, amended or repealed by a majority vote. The formal adoption of policies shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board. Only those written statements so adopted and so recorded shall be regarded as official Board policy.


The Superintendent of Schools is assigned the responsibility for insuring that all Board policies, rules and regulations are implemented. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to develop administrative guidelines in order to implement Board policy. The Superintendent shall notify all employees and students of their need to abide by Board policies and regulations. Administrators shall prepare staff, student and parent handbooks that interpret Board policies and state rules and regulations which affect each population set. The handbooks shall be revised annually and distributed within the first month of the school term.


The Board shall review written policies on a continuing basis to ensure consistency and legality of Board action and administrative decisions. Policies shall be reviewed and revised as a result of newly enacted state and/or federal legislation, court decisions, as a result of research and/or policy development as presented by state and/or national organizations and agencies, or for other reasons as determined by the Board.


Posting Board Policies and Student Handbooks

During periods of time in which the District maintains a District web site, the Board's policies and regulations along with student handbooks will be posted on the web site.