GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                            Policy 1110                                                                                                         (Regulation 1110)

Religion                                                                                                           (Form 1110)

Religious Expression

The District is committed to provide educational services and to maintain a learning environment, which does not limit or deny participation in constitutionally protected prayer or other protected religious expression. Consistent with the provisions of the First Amendment, the District and its employees, who are engaged in official duties, will not sponsor any religious activity or expression. Conversely, the District and its employees, who are engaged in official duties, will not discourage or preclude religious expression that is privately initiated, consistent with this policy and regulation. (For Board policy regarding instruction and religious or controversial issues, refer to Policy 6242 – Religious or Controversial Issues.)


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                   Policy 1210

Calendar Requirements

School Year and School Day

The Board will annually adopt a school calendar that will provide for 1,044 hours of pupil attendance with no minimum number of school days. The beginning of the school year will not be earlier than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the first Monday in September. For a school district that is located wholly or partially in a county with a charter form of government or in a school district that is located wholly or partially in a city with more than 30,000 inhabitants, a minimum of 169 school days are required.  However, if the District has adopted a four-day school week, a minimum of 142 school days are required. If the District has adopted or adopts a four-day school week, Fridays may be used as make-up days.


The length of the school day will meet State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requirements for six (6) clock hours of instruction. A school year and school day in excess of the state required minimum may be recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.  The planned calendar adopted prior to the beginning of the school year must be reported to DESE on Core Data Screen 10 by August 15 of each year and cannot be changed after that date.

The District will only be required to make up the first thirty-six (36) hours of school lost or canceled due to inclement weather and half the number of hours lost or canceled in excess of thirty-six (36) hours up to twenty-four (24) hours of additional lost or canceled hours.  Thus, the maximum number of hours that must be made up is sixty (60) hours. Days missed in the District’s half-day education program will only be made up if required of the District due to “inclement weather on a proportional basis.” For purposes of this Policy, “inclement weather” shall mean ice, snow, extreme cold, flooding, a tornado, or excessive heat. 


Effective July 1, 2026, the District will make up the first six (6) days of school lost or cancelled due to inclement weather and half the number of days in excess of six (6) days if the make-up is necessary to ensure that District students attend a minimum school term and a minimum of one thousand forty-four (1,044) hours for the school year except as provided in this Policy.

The District will not be required to make up any hours of school lost or cancelled due to exceptional or emergency circumstances during a school year, if DESE has approved an alternative method of instruction plan submitted by the District. (See Regulation 1210).

NOTE:  See Regulation 1210 for “Adoption of a Four-Day School Week” and for “Adoption of a Five-Day School Week Incentive.


Copyright © 2024, Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC



GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                               Policy 1300  (Regulation 1300)

Equal Opportunity                                                                  (Form 1300)

Prohibition Against Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation     

The District is committed to maintaining an educational and workplace environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, services, activities and facilities.  The District is committed to providing equal opportunity in all areas of education, recruiting, hiring, retention, promotion and contracted service. 


In its programs and activities, the District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law and as required by Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and state law. In addition, the District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. Further, no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination based on the above listed characteristics under a school nutrition program for which the District receives federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA Food and Nutrition Service).


This Policy governs the District’s compliance with the laws identified above, outside of Title IX. The following person is designated and authorized as the District’s Compliance Officer to coordinate compliance with the laws identified above (outside of Title IX), including to handle inquiries or complaints regarding the District’s non-discrimination policies:


Cody Moore

205 W. Dewey Street, Brashear, MO 63533

(660) 323-5272


A complaint by students, employees, parents, and patrons of the District alleging harassment, discrimination, or related retaliation based on a protected classification under the laws identified above (outside of Title IX) should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 1300. A complaint regarding sexual harassment or related retaliation of a student or employee under Title IX and that is alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020, should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 1301. A complaint regarding the identification, evaluation, educational program, or placement of a child with a disability under Section 504 should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 2110.



August 2020, Copyright © 2020 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                               Policy 1301

Equal Opportunity                                                                                             (Regulation 1301)

Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment and Retaliation under Title IX                                  

Sexual harassment as protected by law is prohibited in this District. The District also prohibits retaliation against a person who files a complaint of sexual harassment or who participates in an investigation of allegations of sexual harassment under this Regulation.


This Policy governs the District’s compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The following person is designated and authorized as the District’s Title IX Coordinator, with the responsibility to identify, prevent, and remedy unlawful harassment and retaliation under Title IX in the District:


Cody Moore

205 W. Dewey Street Brashear, MO 63533

(660) 323-5282


A complaint regarding sexual harassment or related retaliation of a student or employee under Title IX and that is alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020, should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 1301. A complaint by students, employees, parents, and patrons of the District alleging harassment, discrimination, or related retaliation based on a protected classification under the laws identified above (outside of Title IX) should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 1300. A complaint regarding the identification, evaluation, educational program, or placement of a child with a disability under Section 504 should be filed in accordance with the procedures outlined in Regulation 2110.




August 2020, Copyright © 2020 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC



GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                       Policy 1310  (Regulation 1310)

Equal Opportunity                                                                                          (Form 1310)

Civil Rights, Title IX, Section 504

The District assures that it will comply with:

1.         Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., which prohibits  discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

2.         Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

3.         Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. The provisions of Title IX apply to students with regard to educational opportunities and freedom from harassment, employees with regard to employment opportunities and freedom from harassment, and to individuals with whom the Board does business.

4.         The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended 42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.

5.         All regulations, guidelines, and standards lawfully adopted under the above statutes by the United States Department of Education.


The District shall appoint an administrator(s) to assure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.  A District may designate only one employee to serve as both the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator.  In that case, the individual must assume the responsibilities of both coordinators.  Those responsibilities are outlined in Regulation 1310.


It is the policy of the District to process all grievances in a fair and expeditious manner, with the

intent of resolving them in a mutually agreeable manner.  Regulation 1310 provides mechanisms for the resolution of grievances/complaints by employees, patrons and/or students relating to

discrimination under Section 504 and Title IX.


This policy and the corresponding regulation do not pertain to the identification, evaluation or placement of students under Section 504.  The topics of the identification, evaluation and placement of students under Section 504 are addressed in the following separate District policies and regulations: Policy and Regulation 2110 – Equal Education Opportunity, and Policy and Regulation 6250 – Instruction for Students with Disabilities.

For issues pertaining to freedom from harassment, refer to Policy and Regulation 2130 – Harassment, and Policy and Regulation 4810 – Sexual Harassment.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                       Policy 1320

Equal Opportunity

Website Accessibility

The District is committed to providing accessibility of its website for students, parents, and members of the community with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. Section 508 is a federal law that requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to electronic information and data comparable to those who do not have disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency.


Information on the District’s website will provide access either through modification of its website in conformance of the W3C WAI’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) or by providing the same information in a modality addressing an individual’s disability.  Students, parents and members of the community who have questions about the accessibility of content used, and/or would like to report barriers to accessing the District’s website, please contact the District’s Web Manager, James Scudder, or call 660.323.5272, or Cody Moore,, 660.323.5272 , with detailed information on the location of the page or document you are attempting to access so we can make it accessible. Please include your name, email address and phone number so that we may contact you to provide the information in another format. 


Website Accessibility

With regard to the District website and any official District web presence which is developed by, maintained by, or offered through third party vendors and open sources, the District is committed to compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and Title II so that students, parents and members of the public with disabilities are able to independently acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same benefits and services within the same timeframe as those without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use; and that they are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any District programs, services, and activities delivered online.


The District shall appoint an administrator(s) who will be responsible for reviewing and evaluating new material that is published by school staff and uploaded to the website for accessibility on a periodic basis. The designated responsible personnel or 3rd party, will be responsible for reviewing all areas of the District’s website and evaluating its accessibility on a periodic basis, and at least once per quarter. Any non-conforming webpages will be corrected in a timely manner.


Website Accessibility Concerns, Complaints and Grievances

A student, parent or member of the public who wishes to submit a complaint or grievance regarding a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 or Title II related to the accessibility of any official District web presence that is developed by, maintained by, or offered through the District, third party vendors and/or open sources may make complaints directly to (Title/Name of Individual to be contacted) at (contact’s email) or call (contact’s phone number), or (list any other individuals that may be contacted.  Include same information for this contact as previously listed). The initial complaint or grievance should be made utilizing the procedures set forth in Policy/Regulation 1300 - Prohibition Against Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation.  When (insert name(s) of contacts) receives the information, they shall immediately inform the designated District official.


Whether or not a formal complaint or grievance is made, once the District has been notified of inaccessible content, effective communication shall be provided as soon as possible to the reporting party to provide access to the information in a modality specific to the individual’s disability condition.


A record of each complaint and grievance made pursuant to this Policy shall be maintained at the District office. The record shall include a copy of the complaint or grievance filed, report of findings from the investigation, and the disposition of the matter.

May 2018, Copyright © 2018, Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                       Policy 1405  (Regulation 1405)

School/Community Relations

Parent/Family Involvement in Education

The Board of Education recognizes the positive effects of parents/families’ involvement in the education of their children.  The Board is committed to strong parent/family involvement in working collaboratively with district staff as knowledgeable partners in educating district students.  In order to implement the Board’s commitment to parent/family involvement in education, the Superintendent will appoint a committee of parents, staff, and community representatives to serve as the district’s Parent Involvement Committee.  The Committee’s responsibilities will include recommendations for program development, parent/staff training and program evaluation.  Program evaluation reports will be prepared and submitted to the Superintendent annually by June 1.

Nov 05


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1410

School/Community Relations

Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities It is the District policy to cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in promoting the welfare of District’s students, staff and the

community.  As provided in Policy and Regulation 2673, District officials will satisfy the reporting requirements of the Safe Schools Act.  (See also

Policy 2150 – Searches by School Personnel, and Policy 2160 – Interviews, Interrogations and Removal from School.)


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1420

                                                                                                                        (Regulation 1420)

School/Community Relations

Community Use of School Facilities

School District facilities are available for community use when facilities are not required for instructional or administration purposes.  Use of District facilities is subject to approval of the community group’s application and is subject to conditions established by the Board of Education as set forth in administrative regulations.


To the extent that school facilities are available for community use, such facilities will be open, under the same terms and conditions, to youth groups including but not limited to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers-Big Sisters of America, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Little League Baseball and similar groups. When outside groups are permitted to use school facilities under this policy, the District will not unlawfully discriminate against groups based upon a group’s religious, political or philosophical content of the speech at such meetings.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1425

School/Community Relations

School Volunteers

The District encourages participation of parents and citizens of the community to volunteer in the schools in order to serve as additional resources to the teachers and students.   

Screened Volunteers

Individuals who assist our schools on an uncompensated basis and who may periodically be left alone with students are considered “screened volunteers” under state statute.  These individuals, among other service providers, may volunteer to regularly assist in the school office or library; mentor or tutor students; coach or supervise student activities before or after school; or chaperone students on overnight trips.  Prior to being left alone with students at school or school activities, screened volunteers must have a clear criminal records check from the State Highway Patrol and Federal Bureau of Investigation.  The District will pay for the cost of obtaining such criminal records checks.  Screened volunteers may have access to students’ educational records where necessary and when supervised by a staff member.

Non-Screened Volunteers

Non-screened volunteers are those individuals who are not left alone with students at school or school activities.  For these volunteers, the District will, with the volunteer’s consent, obtain a criminal records check from local law enforcement prior to beginning volunteer service.  The District will assume any costs in obtaining such records checks.

Application for Volunteer Service

All volunteers must complete an application for volunteer service and may be interviewed prior to beginning volunteer service. (Form 1425).  The District serves the right to deny individual applicants where the best interests of the educational program are served.

Aug. 2019



GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                       Policy 1430

School/Community Relations

Visitors To Schools

Principals and teachers shall welcome and encourage visits by parents/guardians, Board members, volunteers and patrons of the schools.  All visitors shall report to the principal's office on entering the building so that the office will be aware of their presence. When a patron of the school has a need for a conference with a teacher or counselor, an appointment should be made so the staff member may proceed with his/her assigned duties without undue interruption.


Groups of visitors wishing to visit the school or facilities shall notify the Superintendent as far in advance as possible.


Students dismissed earlier in one school than others are not permitted to be on the grounds of any other school in the District.


All persons who do not obtain permission from the principal's office to visit the school, or visitors who create serious distractions to the learning environment in the building or on the premises, shall be considered trespassers and subject to arrest and prosecution.


In order to minimize the potential harm to staff and students, persons listed on the sex offenders list may not be present in any school building, or on district property, in any district vehicle utilized to transport students, or be present at school activities without the written permission of the Superintendent.  If permission is granted for a specific event or events, the Superintendent will notify the principal, where the sex offender will be present.  Sex offenders cannot reside within 1,000 feet of a school or victim unless the individual is receiving treatment in a treatment facility or nursing home for purposes of getting treatment.


Observations by Parents, Advocates, or Others

Under applicable state and federal law, a parent does not have a right to observe his/her child in the educational setting. However, if a parent, advocate or other person wishes to conduct an observation of any child, activity, teacher, or classroom, he or she must submit a written request to the building principal, within five school days of the date he or she wishes to observe, with the following information:

1.       The name and position of the individual(s) who will be observing;

2.       The date and time he or she wishes to observe;

3.       The amount of time he or she wishes to observe;

4.       The specific purpose for which he or she wishes to observe.

The building principal must then grant written permission for the observation to occur. The District reserves the right to deny any observation that it believes will disrupt the educational environment or may lead to a direct or indirect release of personally identifiable information about a student or students. The building principal or other administrator will provide a written or verbal explanation of its decision prior to the requested observation date. 

August 2019

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                  Policy 1431  (Regulation 1431)

School/Community Relations

Code of Conduct - Adults

The Board of Education believes in and fosters a safe and orderly environment for all students, staff, and visitors.


Therefore, the Board of Education has established a code of conduct for parents, patrons, and visitors on school premises and at school activities.  All parents, patrons, and visitors will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflective of a positive role model for children.  Public displays contrary to this expectation as provided in Regulation 1431 will result in sanctions which will limit a person's access to school activities and school premises.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                   Policy 1432

School/Community Relations

Prohibition Against Firearms and Weapons

The presence of firearms and weapons poses a substantial risk of serious harm to District students, staff and community members. Therefore, possession of firearms and weapons is prohibited on school premises at all times except for law enforcement officials and as otherwise provided in this policy.  As used in this policy, the phrase school premises includes all District buildings, grounds, vehicles and parking areas. This prohibition also extends to the sites of school activities, whether or not those school activities are conducted on School District property.

Individuals found to be in violation of this policy will be dealt with severely. Students will be disciplined up to and including expulsion as provided in Policy and Regulation 2620 - Firearms and Weapons in School. Law enforcement officials will be notified and the individual violating this policy will be directed to leave school premises. Non-students violating this policy will be barred from all school premises and school activities for a period of one (1) year. Subsequent violations by the same individual will result in a permanent bar from school premises and school activities.

Student participation in school sanctioned gun safety courses, student military or ROTC courses, or other school sponsored firearm related events does not constitute a violation of this policy, provided the student does not carry a firearm or other weapon into any school, school bus, or onto the premises of any other activity sponsored or sanctioned by school officials. In addition, persons passing through school district property for purposes of dropping off or picking up a student do not violate this policy if they possess a lawful permitted weapon in the vehicle during this time.

School Protection Officers

Notwithstanding provisions to the contrary in this Policy, the District may designate one or more school teachers or administrators as school protection officers.  School protection officers are authorized to carry a concealed firearm or self-defense spray device.

Prior to designating such officers, the Board will conduct a public hearing on the initiation of such Program.  Notice must be given in a publication of general circulation in the city or court in which the District is located at least fifteen (15) days before the hearing.  However, the Board may meet in closed session to determine whether to allow a school protection officer to carry a concealed firearm or self-defense spray device and to protect the School Protection Officer’s identity.

Those employees seeking to be designated as a school protection officer must make a written request to the Superintendent along with proof of ownership of a valid concealed carry endorsement or permit.  All teachers and administrators seeking designation as a school protection officer shall submit a certificate of school protection officer training program completed from a training program approved by the Director of Public Safety.  If the District designates a school protection officer, the District must notify the Director of Public Safety of:

Full name, date of birth and address of the officer;

The name of the school district; and

The date such person was designated as a school protection officer.

Such identity information will not be considered public information under the State’s Sunshine Law.

Such school protection officers will not be permitted to allow any firearm or device out of their personal control, while the firearm or device is on school property.  Violation of this provision will subject the offending officer to termination proceedings.  July 2014 

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                  Policy 1440  (Regulation 1440)

School/Community Relations                                                                        (Form 1440)

Research Requests

Requests for research studies involving students and/or staff of the School District must be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools or the Superintendent's designee for approval. Any research utilizing human subjects must be authenticated by the sponsoring university. Written permission from parents of the students to be involved must also be obtained as well as approval of each principal whose school is to be involved.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                       Policy 1445

School/Community Relations

Organ Transplant Information


State or nationally recognized organizations that provide unbiased information concerning organ, eye and tissue donation may request an opportunity to present to the Board. Qualified organizations will be allowed at least thirty (30) minutes to speak at a Board meeting. The Board will determine whether such information will be presented to parents and/or students and, if so, the manner of presentation. However, no student will be required to be present for any instruction related to organ, eye or tissue donation if the student has a sincerely held religious or emotional belief which is contrary to such instruction.

August 2018



GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                       Policy1450     (Regulation 1450)

School/Community Relations                                                                                    (Form 1450)

Public Access to District Documents

The District provides public access for the inspection and copying of the District's public records.  As a general practice, the District requires advance payment of a copy fee that does not exceed ten (10) cents per page for pages not larger than nine by fourteen inches and a search and duplication fee that does not exceed the average hourly rate of pay for District clerical staff. However, copies of the District's public records may be provided without a fee or at a reduced fee when the Board determines that a reduction is in the public interest.  In assessing fee reductions, the Board will consider the potential that the reduction will significantly contribute to public understanding of the District's operations and will consider the degree of commercial value to be gained by the person requesting a fee reduction. In accordance with state law, search time that would require more than clerical duplication of documents may be charged at the actual cost of research time.


Similarly the District will provide public access for inspection and duplication of the District's public records maintained on audio, video or similar media.  Public access includes but is not limited to computer facilities, recording tapes, disks, videotapes, films, pictures, slides, graphics, and illustrations. The District requires advance payment not to exceed the cost of copies, staff time (not to exceed the average hourly rate of pay for clerical staff), and the cost of the disk or tape used for duplication.


In order to facilitate public access to the District's public records, the Board will appoint a custodian of records.  The custodian will be responsible for maintaining the District's public records as well as for assuring access to the District's public records.  The identity, business address, and office telephone number of the custodian of records will be published annually and will be available at the District's administrative office.  The procedures for implementing public access provided in this policy are set forth in Regulation 1450.







GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                            Policy 1460  (Regulation 1460)

School/Community Relations

Community Involvement in Decision Making

The Board of Education recognizes that many residents of the District may be especially qualified to take an active part in school affairs because of their training, experience, or personal characteristics and encourages them to take an active part in school affairs.


The Board shall give substantial weight to the advice it receives from individuals and community groups interested in the District's schools, but shall use its own judgment in arriving at decisions.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1470

School/Community Relations

Public Gifts to Schools

The Board of Education recognizes the educational value of appropriate gifts to schools from Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO), other civic groups, corporations, or individuals, and encourages their use to enrich the instructional program.  Therefore, gifts which may serve to enhance and extend the work of the schools may be received by the District as approved by the Board.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                              Policy 1475

School/Community Relations



Sadly the death of a student, former student, or staff member is an event that may occur at any time. Temporary memorials can provide students the opportunity to give testimony to their peers, as well as learn how to direct their generosity to grieving family members. The opportunity to participate in temporary activities and projects can help students and staff come to accept the finality of their loss. An initial memorial site will be designated by the principal where flowers, poems, pictures, stuffed animals in an area where those who wish not to be reminded can easily avoid that location. Memorial items will be removed after the family funeral in a way that permits presentation of these symbols of caring to the family.

Memorials for staff and students lost through suicide will not be established. This policy is the result of the fact that recognition of student suicide may adversely affect others predisposed to suicide.

Nov. 2008

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1480

School/Community Relations

Public Complaints

Although no member of the community shall be denied the right to petition the Board of Education for redress of a grievance, the complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board. Exceptions are complaints that concern Board actions or Board operations only.

The Board advises the public that the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:

1.         Teacher

2.         Principal

3.         Appropriate Central Office Administrator

4.         Superintendent

5.         Board of Education

Any complaint about school personnel will be investigated by the Administration before consideration and action by the Board.





GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1510

Office Methods and Data Management


Custodian of District Records

The Board of Education will designate the custodian of District records who shall maintain, protect, and make such records accessible to authorized persons.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                             Policy 1520 (Regulation 1520)

Office Methods and Data Management

School District Annual Report

School District officials will submit to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education all data and reports as required by law and/or by regulations of the Missouri State Board of Education.  The Annual Report will be completed and submitted in accordance with department regulations.


The Annual Report will be distributed to all media outlets serving the District, and will be made available to all District patrons, and to each member of the General Assembly representing a legislative District that contains a portion of the School District.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1600

Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Where appropriate the District will seek to participate in private, state and federal grant programs as recommended by the Administration and approved by the Board of Education. Procedures for development of grant proposals are set forth in Regulation 1620 – Private, State and Federal Funding.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1610

Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Protection of Student Rights

All instructional materials, including teachers' manuals, films, tapes or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any student survey, analysis or evaluation shall be available for inspection by parents/guardians of the students. This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing surveys. No student shall be required to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of a school program or marketing survey that requires students to reveal personal information concerning:

1.         Political affiliations of the student or student’s family;

2.         Mental and psychological problems of the student or his/her family;

3.         Sexual behavior and attitudes;

4.         Illegal, antisocial or self incriminating behavior;

5.         Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;

6.         Religious practices and affiliations;

7.         Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers; or

8.         Income, other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance.

The District will give parents notice of their right to inspect surveys and instructional materials used in educating their children, and of the right to opt their child out of participating in activities that concern any of the above eight areas.

Oct 03


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                            Policy 1620 (Regulation 1620)

Private, State and Federal Programs Administration

Private, State, and Federal Funding

Grants from outside agencies are to be related to the needs and priorities of the District in the form of program improvement. Outside funds are to be regarded as supplemental in nature, intended to enhance or augment the usual efforts toward desired goals, quality of learning, inservice education, or capital improvement. Grants may lead to research and development that will be of value to the District. All such funds will be deposited, accounted, and reported through the District's accounting office. The Board directs that the Administration keep financial and program records to document the compliance with all state and federal requirements and to corroborate program success.


All employees of the School District who plan to apply to an outside agency (private, corporate, or governmental) for grants or other types of funds for District use must clear the request with the Superintendent of Schools or designee before preparing an application. The application must then be approved by the Board of Education before submission to the source of funding.


Grants cannot be requested that would require District expenditures not budgeted in the current fiscal year. District funds may not be obligated in advance for future years by the terms of a grant without prior Board approval.


If a grant requires participation by children in experimental types of instruction, written permission of parents must be secured.



GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                           Policy 1621  (Regulation 1621)

Private, State and Federal Programs Administration                         (Form 1621)

Title I

Parent Involvement

The Board recognizes the importance of parental involvement with the Title I program and will provide a variety of opportunities for parents to be involved in policy design and in the planning, implementation and review of Title I programs.

Staff Qualifications

Title I teachers and paraprofessionals must meet the qualifications outlined in Regulation 1621.

Reporting Requirements

Pursuant to the provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act, the District will submit its Federal Title I LEA Plan, describing the District's Title I services.


January 2018


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1710

Administrative Organization and Roles

Administrative Reports

The Board of Education may require reports from the Superintendent and other administrative officials concerning the status of District programs, educational needs and long-term District planning.  The Board will take steps to monitor the success of District schools in achieving their educational objectives.


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                   Policy 1720  (Regulation 1720)

Administrative Organization and Roles

Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent is the chief administrative officer of the School District. The Superintendent, under the direction of the Board, is responsible for the general supervision of the schools and all School District personnel. The Superintendent is the chief executive officer of the Board and shall be responsible to the Board for the execution of the policies, rules and regulations and directives given by the Board, and for the functions listed in Regulation 1720.

The Superintendent is the authorized representative and signatory for all official matters pertaining to the School District.

Qualifications of the Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent shall hold Missouri Teacher's and Superintendent's Certificates and have prior teaching experience. Prior experience as a school administrator is desirable.

Terms of EmploymentThe Superintendent's contract will be based on a twelve-month year, with salary and work year to be established by the Board.


The Superintendent of Schools may be employed by the Board of Education for a term of from one (1) to three (3) years. The terms of the Superintendent's employment will be contained in a written contract signed by the Superintendent, the Board President and the Board Secretary. During the term of the Superintendent's contract, the amount of compensation and benefits provided in the contract may not be changed.

Evaluation of the Superintendent

The Board of Education will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent in or by February in each contract year. The Superintendent's evaluation will be based, in part, upon the Superintendent's annual goals provided to the Board of Education.


The employment of the Superintendent terminates upon expiration of the Superintendent's contract. The decision to extend the Superintendent's contract or to deny such extension lies in the total discretion of the Board.

In addition, and as provided in the Superintendent's employment contract, the Superintendent's contract may be terminated by mutual consent, termination for cause, or death or incapacity.

May 2011


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                              Policy 1725 

Administrative Organization and Roles                                                    

Shared Superintendent

Beginning July 1, 2023, the District may enter into an agreement with another district to share a superintendent provided DESE provides an annual stipend of at least Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00). The $30,000 DESE stipend plus 50% of the amount the District saved by sharing a superintendent will be spent on teacher salaries or counseling services. The DESE stipend will be available for no more than five (5) years.


August 2022, Copyright © 2022 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC


GENERAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                Policy 1730

Administrative Organization and Roles

Building Administration

Under the supervision of the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee, the building principals serve as the instructional leaders of their assigned buildings.  In that capacity, building administrators are responsible for the implementation of Board policies and regulations.  Each building administrator will be evaluated on his/her instructional leadership and the success of his/her students.