5110 (Regulation 5110)
Buildings and Grounds Management
Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and Inspection
The Board recognizes
the tremendous investment in the District's facilities, buildings, grounds and equipment.
It is acknowledged that normal deterioration from natural elements and ordinary
use will occur. However, with proper care and attention the rate of
deterioration can be reduced and repair and replacement costs held within
reasonable limits. Therefore, the Board believes that a proper program of
preventive maintenance is a requirement for efficient and economic building
The District shall
survey and assess the exposure of friable asbestos in all buildings. A written
report shall be filed with appropriate state agencies, and will be available
for public review in the Superintendent's office. The report shall be filed as
required by law. The District shall take all steps necessary to comply with the
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, as described in regulations of the
Environmental Protection Agency.
Building and Grounds Management
Maintenance of Facilities
A maintenance department shall be provided
to perform general building maintenance tasks and a custodial department shall
be provided to perform routine cleaning tasks.
The maintenance and custodial personnel shall be under the supervision
of a maintenance/custodial supervisor; however, supervision shall also be
provided by the building principal.
outlay work for new and existing buildings shall normally be done through a
general contractor. District employees
may be used when the use of a general contractor is not feasible.
5130 (Regulation 5130)
Building and Grounds Management
Energy Conservation Measures
In the interest of sound control of
District financial resources and in general ecological management, the Board of
Education directs that the Administration develop procedures for utilities use
that will best meet the need of conservative utilization of these resources.
and Grounds Management
Removal of Lead from Water Supplies
Beginning the 2023-24 school year, the
District school will provide drinking water in a large enough quantity to meet
the drinking needs of student and staff with a lead concentration level below
five parts per billion.
On or before January 1, 2024, the District
school will:
A priority will be assigned to District
schools which house early childhood education programs, kindergarten and all elementary
Before August 1, 2024, the District school
If testing indicates that the water source is
causing the contamination and until such time that the source of the
contamination has been remediated the affected school will:
Install a filter at each point at which the water supply enters the
Install a filter that reduces lead in drinking water on each water
outlet inventoried to ensure lead contamination are below five parts per
Provide purified water at each water outlet inventoried.
If testing in any District school indicates
that internal piping is causing the contamination, the following items will be
put in place until the contamination has been remediated:
Install a filter at each point at which the water supply enters the
Install a filter that reduces lead in drinking water on each water
outlet inventoried to ensure lead contamination are below five parts per
Provide purified water at each water outlet inventoried.
If a pipe, sodder,
fitting or fixture is replaced as part of remediation and the replacement will
be lead free, which under Federal regulation means
containing less than 0.2 percent lead.
If a test result exceeds five parts per
billion, the affected school will:
In such instance, the district will also
provide, at affected school(s), bottled water if there is not enough drinking
water from uncontaminated outlets to meet the drinking needs of the students
and staff. No District school
constructed after January 4, 2014 will be required to install, maintain or
replace filters.
If in the ten (10) years prior to the 2023-24 school
year, a fixture tested above five parts per billion for lead such fixture does
not need to be retested for lead, but remediation will begin on such fixture.
The District will annually report to the
Department of Health and Human Services the results of annual testing.
A District school whose testing does not find
a drinking source with a lead concentration above, the acceptable level will
only be required to test every five (5) years.
For school year 2022-23, the District may
elect to test samples of potable water in District facilities serving students
under first grade in buildings built prior to 1996. The purpose of such testing would be to
determine the presence of and quantity of lead.
If election to test is made, the District will submit sample(s) to a department
of health approved laboratory for analysis for the presence of lead. Written sampling results will be submitted to
the Department of Health within seven (7) days of receipt.
If any of the submitted samples exceed
standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the District
will promptly notify by written or electronic communication to the
parents/guardian of all enrolled students.
Notice to parents/guardians will include the:
If any of the samples are at or below five
parts per billion, parental notification may be made by posting on the
District’s website.
August 2022,
Copyright © 2022 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC
5210 (Regulation 5210)
Safety, Security and Communications
Hazardous Materials
District will develop and implement written procedures for the purchase, use,
storage and disposal of substances designated as hazardous by local, state and
federal authorities.
Safety, Security and Communications
Eye Protection
All students, teachers
and visitors are required to wear industrial quality eye protective devices
when participating in or observing the following activities in any class:
1. Exposure to molten materials.
Milling, sawing, turning, shaping, cutting, grinding or
stamping of any solid materials.
treatment, tempering or kiln firing of any materials.
Gas, electric arc or other forms of welding.
Repair or servicing of any vehicle.
6. Exposure to/or laboratory use of
caustic or explosive materials, hot liquids or solids,
injurious radiation, or other similar hazards.
Eye protective
devices designed to provide protection for the hazards involved and to meet
standards specified by state law will be provided by the School District. These
devices may be issued to the students or provided at work stations for
individual activities. If the devices are issued to the students, principals
are authorized to charge students for loss, damage or failure to return any
device issued.
Safety, Security and Communications
School Bus Safety
Safe transportation
of students shall be the paramount obligation of the transportation staff. All
procedures and rules developed by the administration shall be governed by this
requirement. State and local laws pertaining to the operation of buses and
vehicles used to transport students will be observed by drivers, students and
The Administration
will develop regulations for students to be included in Policy and Regulation
2610 – Behavioral Expectations. These rules and regulations will be published
annually in student handbooks to be distributed to students and
parents/guardians. Students will receive instruction for the safe loading,
riding, unloading and emergency evacuation procedures.
officials will file criminal charges of trespass against any person who
unlawfully enters a District school bus where entry is not approved by Board
policy or where the individual does not have written approval of the Board of
5230 (Regulation 5230)
Safety, Security and
Accident Reporting
In order that proper measures may be taken to avoid recurrence of
accidents, written reports will be prepared on all accidents occurring on
school premises or at a school‑sponsored activity.
5240 (Regulation 5240)
Safety, Security and
Earthquake and Fire Emergencies
the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, the principal will determine
areas in each building which are best suited for the protection of students
during civil defense emergencies, including adverse weather conditions. School will not be dismissed in the case of a
civil defense alert or tornado warning.
shall also be the duty of the Superintendent of Schools to provide for fire
inspections on an announced and unannounced basis in each building. The Superintendent is responsible for
remedying unsafe conditions reported by local fire marshals acting in their
official capacities.
principal will assume responsibility for preparing a fire drill and emergency
exit plan for each building. The plan
will permit students to leave the building safely and quickly.
The District may adopt emergency plans for the use of the
District’s resources during natural disasters or other community
emergencies. These resources may include
food assistance through the use of federal commodity foods, and the use of
school buildings and buses.
Nov 04
Safety, Security and
Emergency School
Superintendent may order the delay of opening, early dismissal or the closing
of schools due to inclement weather, hazardous road conditions or specific
emergency situations which would make the operation of school impractical or
hazardous to pupils. Notification of
such actions will be given over local radio and television stations. Unless
individually approved by the Superintendent, after-school activities will be
canceled on the day which school is closed or dismissed early due to weather or
other emergency conditions.
Instructional time
lost due to weather and other emergency conditions will be made up as required
by the State and as approved by the Board of Education.
Safety, Security and Communications
Use of Tobacco Products
The Board of
Education recognizes that the use of tobacco products represents a health and
safety hazard. Similarly, the use of substances appearing to be tobacco
products, including, but not limited to, e-cigarettes, creates an environment
where tobacco products are endorsed.
Therefore, the use of tobacco products and substances appearing to be
tobacco products shall be prohibited in all District buildings, grounds and
vehicles. This Policy applies to all employees, students and patrons attending
school-sponsored activities and meetings.
July 2014
SUPPORT SERVICES Policy 5260 (Form 5260)
Board of Education directs the Superintendent to ensure that the administration
and management of all District operations be in compliance
with local laws and regulations pertaining to student and staff safety
and state and federal laws and standards regarding occupational safety and
health. At various times District supervisors will issue specific safety
standards and will provide ongoing directives, oral and written, to maximize
employee and student safety. Failure to comply with such safety directives will
be considered serious misconduct and will result in disciplinary action up to
and including dismissal.
order to promote safety and to reduce the occurrence of injuries to the
employee; to the employee's colleagues, students and visitors to our schools,
the following requirements are mandated by the Board. These requirements are
not intended to be exclusive, but to be illustrative for measures required to
promote safety. Moreover, these requirements are in addition to all relevant requirements
of federal and state law, as well as, Board policy. Employees will be required
to review, sign and return this policy on an annual basis. These requirements
1. All accidents are to be reported, in writing, to your supervisor on the date they occur.
2. All unsafe conditions are to be reported to your supervisor immediately.
3. No running or horseplay is permitted.
4. The use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs during work hours is strictly prohibited. The use of prescribed drugs is permitted subject to the limitations imposed by the prescribing physician.
5. Standing on chairs, desks, boxes, or any object other than a ladder or step stool is prohibited.
6. When using chemicals, all appropriate safety equipment must be used. If the appropriate safety equipment is not available, the absence of same should be reported to your supervisor immediately.
7. If your duties require you to drive, the use of a seatbelt is mandatory. The use of a cell phone for phone calls or texting is prohibited in a moving vehicle.
8. The use of employer provided safety devices is mandatory.
Safety, Security and
Security of
Buildings and Grounds
administration will develop procedures to ensure that school facilities are
safeguarded against criminal acts and negligent use. All District employees are responsible for
the care and proper use of School District property. Maintenance personnel are responsible for the
care, repair and annual maintenance of District equipment and facilities. After school access to District facilities is
limited to authorized individuals and groups.
Safety, Security and
Vandalism and Theft
administration will take appropriate actions to punish individuals determined
to have vandalized District property.
Such actions include, but are not limited to school disciplinary action,
restitution and criminal and civil charges.
Incident reports are to be sent to the Superintendent/designee and the
Custodial/Maintenance Manager by the building administrator no later than the
day following an incident. A telephone call to the Superintendent is to be made
on the day of discovery as soon as practical.
Purchasing and Supply
Purchasing Furniture
and Equipment
The Superintendent/designee shall develop a standardized furniture and
equipment list for each type of facility in the School District. Furniture or equipment
needed in addition to the standardized list requires specific approval of the
Superintendent/designee prior to bidding or purchase.
Furniture and equipment shall be purchased in accordance with the
policies governing bidding requirements and purchasing procedures of the Board
of Education.
The Board may purchase apparatus, equipment and furnishings for its
schools and operations by entering into lease/purchase agreements with vendors.
Any agreement which may result in District ownership of the leased object must
contain a provision which allows the District an option to terminate the
agreement on at least an annual basis without penalty. All expenditures related to lease/purchase
agreements shall be considered expenditures for capital outlay and shall be
paid pursuant to the provisions of section 165.011, RSMo.,
Budget and Current Financing.
Purchasing and
Supply Management
Preference for
Missouri Products
Preference will be given to making District purchases to all
commodities manufactured, mined, produced, or grown within the state and to all
firms, corporations, or individuals doing business as Missouri firms,
corporations, or individuals when quality and price are approximately the same.
and Supply Management
Boycott Prohibition
The District will not contract to acquire or
dispose of services, supplies, information, technology, or construction for a
total potential value of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) or more
with any company that is engaged presently or during the term of the contract
in a boycott of goods and services from the State of Israel.
This prohibition will also protect companies
doing business in or with Israel or authorized by, licensed by, or organized
under the laws of Israel, or persons, or entities doing business in the State
of Israel. This provision shall not
apply to contractors with fewer than ten (10) employees. (“Anti-Discrimination Against Israel Act”)
Bidders for contracts described in this Policy
will be required to submit with their bid a certification of compliance with
this Policy (Form 5330). In addition,
all contracts subject to this Policy will contain a contract provision
certifying compliance with the “Anti-Discrimination Against Israel Act.”
2020, Copyright © 2020 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC
The Board shall require a physical count
of all stock supply and equipment items at least once each year. This inventory
total shall be recorded on the District's accounts.
This is done to provide:
Complete local property information for
ready reference.
Information for insurance purposes.
Audit needs to determine capital worth.
Accountability of the physical property of
the District.
The building principal is responsible for
the inventory. The person responsible
for the room and its contents should take the inventory.
Property" for inventory purposes is defined as that property other than
the building and built-in facilities such as bookcases, wall lockers and
toilets. "Physical Property" includes such items as desks, chairs,
typewriters, computers, audio-visual equipment, shop, home economics and
physical education equipment even though attached to the building (i.e., stage
curtains, auditorium seating, clocks and public address systems).
"Physical Property" meets all the following criteria:
Retains its original shape and appearance
with use.
Is nonexpendable (more feasible to repair
than replace).
Represents an investment of money which
makes it advisable to capitalize the item.
Does not lose its identity through incorporation
into a different or more complex unit.
Loses its original shape or appearance
Expendable (more feasible to replace than
Inexpensive item with value less than
Equipment Inventory
Inventory documentation includes:
Serial/ID number
Finding source
Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN)
where applicable
Title holder, if applicable
Acquisition date
Percentage of Federal participation, if
Use and Condition
Disposition, if applicable
Inventory Management
Maintenance and
Control of Instructional Materials
All School District instructional materials and equipment, including media
materials and equipment, will be classified and catalogued. All textbooks
purchased by the District are school property and will bear identification of
School District ownership. Obsolete materials and worn out equipment will be
replaced on a regular basis.
Textbooks will be made available to all students in sufficient quantity
and at appropriate levels, enabling teachers to meet both the planned
curriculum sequence and the special instructional needs of the students.
Principals are responsible for textbooks assigned to teachers, and for
instituting an inventory of all books at the end of the school year. Each
teacher shall keep an accurate record of books issued to students. Students
will be held responsible for the proper care of all schoolbooks, supplies,
apparatus and furniture supplied to them by the Board of Education. Any student
who defaces or damages school property shall be required to pay for all
damages. Any student who loses school property shall be required to pay for its
Inventory Management
Equipment on Loan
School District equipment is not to be lent to individuals or groups
outside the schools. Deviation from this policy requires permission from the
Policy 5510
Food Service Program
Food Service
The Superintendent/designee will develop
and implement procedures for operating a food services program. In addition,
the Superintendent/designee will monitor the quality and efficiency of the
District’s food service program.
The District’s food service program will
comply with all state and federal regulations for food quality and financial
Board may elect to contract with a food service management company to manage
the District’s food service program.
duration of contracts with food service management companies will be limited to
one (1) year with no more than four (4) annual renewals.
Food Service Program
Uniform Policy for
Free and Reduced‑Price Meals
The District will participate in the
national school lunch program. Eligible
students will be identified for participation in the free and reduced-price
lunch program based upon federal and state guidelines.
concerning the eligibility standards will be distributed annually within the
District. The identification of student
participants in the program will be confidential with such information
disclosed to staff members on a strict need-to-know basis.
Policy 5530
Food Service Program
Competitive Food
In order to comply
with requirements of Part 210, National School Lunch Program, and Part 220,
School Breakfast Program as amended, respecting the sale of food in competition
with meals served under the National School Lunch Program and the School
Breakfast Program, the sale of categories of foods of minimal nutritional value
during the meal periods in the cafeteria is prohibited. The restricted
categories of foods are identified as soda water (carbonated beverages), water
ices, chewing gum and certain candies (hard candies, jellies and gums,
marshmallow candies, fondants, licorice, spun candies and candy-coated
Food Service
Food Safety
purpose of the District's food safety program is to ensure the delivery of safe
foods to children in the school meals program by controlling hazards that may
occur or be introduced into foods anywhere along the flow of food from receiving
to service.
safe food is a critical responsibility for school food service and is a key
aspect of a healthy school environment. Keeping foods safe is a vital part of
healthy eating. When properly implemented, the District's food safety program
will help ensure the safety of school meals served to District students.
order to carry out these goals and comply with federal law, the District's Food
Safety Program will include written plans for each school and will be
consistent with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles.
District's Food Safety Program will focus on three (3) key points.
1. Food preparation areas will be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner. This includes ensuring that workers hands, utensils, and food contact areas are clean and sanitary so as to avoid cross contamination.
May 2006
Food Service
Meal Charges
The purpose of this policy is to maintain consistent meal account
procedures throughout the District. Unpaid charges place a financial strain on
District finances. The Food Service
Department is responsible for maintaining food charge records and for notifying
the District’s accounting department of outstanding balances.
Student Groups:
§ Elementary students will be allowed to charge
a maximum of $100.00 dollars.
These meals will include only the menu items of the reimbursable meal.
After the balance exceeds $100.00 dollars, the student may be given a
designated menu alternate.
§ Middle School students will be allowed to
charge a maximum of 100.00 dollars.
After this maximum has been met, no additional charges will be accepted.
§ High School students will be allowed to charge
a maximum of $100.00.
No charges will be allowed for ala carte foods and beverages.
Parents/guardians of students with negative balances will be contacted
electronically, by correspondence, by phone call by the District Accounting
Office, or by the Food Service Department.
On May 15 annually all charging will be cut off.
§ Parents/guardians will be sent a written
request for “payment in full.”
§ All charges not paid before the end of the
school year will be carried forward into the next school year.
§ Graduating seniors must pay all charges in
full. Failure to do so may result in the
delinquent student being denied participation in graduation ceremonies.
If a financial hardship is suspected, families will be encouraged to apply
for free/reduced meals at any time during the school year.
Each building principal will send a letter to all parents on or before
the first day of school notifying them of the requirements of this policy. This
policy will also be published on the District’s website.
Collection of Unpaid Meal Charges
Unpaid meal charges, like any other money owed
under the District’s Food Service Program will be considered delinquent debt.
The debt will remain delinquent as long as it is considered collectable, and efforts
are being made to collect it. In addition to the notices of delinquency
provided in this Policy, District officials will work with parents/guardians in
an effort to implement reasonable repayment plans. When such efforts are unsuccessful, the District
will consider other options, including placement with a collection agency or
legal action.
When District officials determine that further
collection efforts for delinquent debts are useless or too costly, the debt
will be reclassified as “bad debt.” Once reclassified as bad debt, the
indebtedness will be written off as an operating loss. Federal funds will not be used to cover costs
related to any bad debt, including, but not limited to, continued legal and collections
costs. Such operating losses will not be
absorbed by the federal food service program but rather will be restored from
the District’s general fund or other non-federal sources. Records relating to bad debts will be
maintained in accordance with federal record retention requirements.
Discrimination Clause
accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices,
and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs
are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual
orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income
derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or
retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity
conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and
complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with
disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program
information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language,
etc.), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers
the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or
contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally,
program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program
discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint
Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint
and at any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter
addressed to USDA. The letter must contain
the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of
the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil
rights violation. The completed AD-3027
form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
U.S. Department of
Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence
Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C.
(833) 256-1665 or (202)
690-7442; or
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
2024, Copyright © 2024 Missouri Consultants for Education, LLC
The safety and welfare of District
students is of paramount importance to the Board of Education. Accordingly, no person will operate any
school bus owned by or under contract with the District unless the driver has
qualified for a school bus endorsement and has complied with the relevant rules
and regulations of the Department of Revenue and all final rules issued by the
Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation. A driver may also qualify if they possess a
valid school bus endorsement on a valid commercial driver’s license.
School bus endorsements are issued to
applicants who meet the following qualifications:
§ Has a valid state license;
§ Is at least 21 years of age;
§ Has passed an operator’s
examination prescribed by the Department of Revenue. Such Examination to include the commercial
driver’s license skills test (CDL); and
§ Has obtained a satisfactory health
certificate which will be valid for two (2) school years.
As deemed
necessary by the District, individual drivers may be required to provide
evidence of continued good health.
who are 70 years of age or older will be required to annually pass the
commercial driver’s license skills test.
Such annual examination does not include the pre-trip inspection portion
of the CDL.
Board of Education, in accordance with state law, shall provide free transportation
for eligible students attending the District schools. The Superintendent shall
ensure that the transportation services of the District meet all of the
guidelines established by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education, i.e., Missouri Pupil Transportation Administrative Handbook,
Missouri Minimum Standards for School Buses, Missouri Certified Bus Driver
Instructor's Manual, and Missouri School Bus Driver Manual, as well as the
policies that pertain directly to the qualifications of bus operators and
operational procedures adopted by the Board of Education.
to regulations of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, bus
transportation will be provided to and from District schools for all students
who reside three and one-half (3.5) miles or more from the school located in
their attendance areas. State regulations provide for reimbursement to
districts providing transportation for those students living more than one
(1.0) mile from their attendance area school.
The District may transport students who reside less than one (1.0) mile
from school when students are required to cross a state highway or county
arterial without access to sidewalks, traffic signals, or a crossing guard and
no existing bus stop is changed to avoid administrative penalty. In such instance the District will request a
waiver of the administrative penalty.
The Superintendent is directed to prepare annually a plan for student
transportation services for the upcoming school year which addresses student
transportation needs within the limitations of District finances, including
state aid for transportation services. The plan will address mileage distance
from school and grade level requirements for receiving transportation to be
provided by the District. This plan shall be presented for School Board
approval no later than the regular August Board meeting of each school year. In
cases when the transportation plan remains the same as the prior school year,
the plan may be submitted to the School Board as an information rather than an
action item.
individuals under Section 504 or the IDEA will be provided bus transportation
by the District between home and the special education program. Transportation
for a student with disabilities under the IDEA or Section 504 will be provided
between schools if the student’s IEP team or Section 504 team determines that
such transportation is necessary as a related service due to the student's
disability. Eligibility for transportation as a related service must be stated
in the student's IEP or Section 504 Plan. If a disabled student’s IEP team or
Section 504 Team determines that certain accommodations, modifications or
supports are necessary to appropriately transport the student, the District
shall provide such accommodations, modifications or supports as indicated in
the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.
are expected to comply with behavioral expectations as stated in Policy 2652 -
Student Conduct on Buses, while they are passengers in District vehicles. March 2010
Bus Routes and
administration will prepare and monitor District bus routes and schedules. The Board will initially approve all bus
routes no later than October 31 of each school year; the final bus routes must
be approved by June 30 of each school year.
Buses will be routed with student safety, efficiency and economy as the
controlling factors.
All District vehicles that are used to
transport students will be inspected annually by the Missouri State Highway
Patrol after February 1 of each school year.
State bus inspections conducted by District
employees shall not be made more than sixty (60) days prior to operating the
vehicles during the school year. Bus
drivers and bus maintenance employees have the responsibility to inspect,
report and remedy any condition of District buses which poses an unreasonable
risk of harm to students and staff.
Newly purchased, newly leased, newly
placed into service, newly contracted vehicles or vehicles replaced under
contracted services with a rated capacity to carry more than ten (10)
passengers including the driver, and used to transport students, shall meet
state and federal specifications and safety standards applicable to school
buses. Nov. 04
Records and Reports
Superintendent will develop and maintain procedures for monitoring and
reporting student transportation infractions.
of student ridership will be taken and reported for each route on the second
Wednesday of October and February, as per Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education (DESE) regulations.
5660 (Regulation 5660)
Field Trips
The use of bus transportation services for field trips may be
authorized from Board of Education appropriated funds budgeted for field trips
if approved by the Superintendent/designee.
Transportation services may be provided for school‑related
activities provided the sponsoring organization pays the cost. The
Superintendent/designee will approve such requests based upon the availability of
buses and drivers.
5661 (Regulation 5661)
Field Trip
Transportation in Private Vehicles/Common Carriers
vehicles other than approved school buses may be used for transportation of
students. The number of students
transported shall be limited to the number of seat belts available in the
authorized vehicle. The School Board
shall adopt regulations for transportation in other than approved school buses
and standards for use of authorized common carriers.
Use of School
buses will be used only for the transportation of students to and from school
or for District educational purposes.
buses used to transport children to Head Start programs will display signs
indicating that the bus is a Head Start bus.
District is committed to protecting the privacy of its students and staff. In order to meet that commitment, this policy
outlines how operational and instructional activity will be carried out to
ensure that District data is accurate, accessible and protected.